Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Day 142

I got my butt kicked. Literally. By working out. I haven't worked out like that probably since I was on High School Swim Team. Seriously. Did you know I have triceps?! I didn't. And now they are screaming at me. I just have had the biggest blessing in that my amazing mentor and I have the privilege to work out together with an awesome trainer! She pushed me, she made me not want to just give up, and really showed me how to isolate and work certain muscles.

Why am I doing this? Because I have been reading through 1 and 2 Samuel, and these guys in my head remind me of gladiators and ripped Trojans. Now maybe that's just because I am just getting out of a semester studying the Aeneid, but that's how they look in my mind. People back in the day walked everywhere, fought hard, and ate just enough to keep them alive, and didn't have a wide variety of food to pick from.

My body is God's temple, and I abuse food. I do. And I don't exercise enough. Like I had committed earlier, everything I do, I'm going to give my heart fully in. And that means life. That means 100% committing myself to making my body better, therefore physically cleansing my spirit, not just spiritually.

This is an exciting time in my life. Stressful, but none the less thrilling. Being home really feels amazing--being around so many people who love and support me, who are rooting for me, who push me, and who keep me accountable for my life.

Mediocre anything isn't an option anymore. I don't want to sacrifice one area of my life because I'm stretching myself too fat (I can't say thin, because I'm not). David gave 100% of his time, his energy, his resources being the anointed one of God--doing his will, leaving his family. He was fully committed to the works of God, and through my lack of taking physical care of myself, I am not being committed to preserving God's temple, making me not committed fully to his works and will.

Pray for me in maintaining strength of mind, spirit, and body!!

God bless,

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