Thursday, March 8, 2012

Day 66

I'm going to make this morning's post a little bit short because I still have some homework to finish up... But what really got me thinking this morning was how Moses cried out to God because he was tired of the burden his people laid on him.

I guess whenever I have thought about Moses, I never really understood what all it takes to lead nearly a million people to the promise land, and how those people might complain when they are hungry, thirsty, tired... Who else do they have besides Moses?

When you read the stories of Moses, it's always glorious and heroic, but truly, Moses struggled just like all of us. He was a normal man (who lived for a gazillion years it feels like), with normal thoughts, desires, and humanly limitations.

He also continually doubts God--some days he will have this awesome relationship where he gets to go on a mountain and be in the physical presence of God, and other days, he says "Why are you treating me, your servant, so harshly? Have mercy on me! What did I do to deserve the burden of all these people?"

Men that are in the Bible are just that--men. They may have the ability to achieve and accomplish great things by the will of God, and they may have a relationship unknown to many of us, but it's important to remember that they had their faults as well. These men had their struggles, trials, and hardships too.

I think that's another component that makes the Bible so great, yet hard for non-Christians to grasp. I know for me, it's nice to here how great God was to an average and normal sinner like myself. It's awesome to see the great and amazing powers that God can give and deliver to Regular Joe's.

God bless,

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