Monday, March 12, 2012

Day 70

Yesterday I'm pretty sure I had the most unproductive day a girl can have. It was rainy here, so it made it difficult to go on a walk, or really go anywhere. I cleaned, cooked a little, but mainly read and watched movies :) I was supposed to go to my Grandma's house yesterday, but it ended up not working out, and since I had not made plans because I was supposed to go, I literally had NOTHING to do. Well, okay, I should have been working on some things, but I had 0 motivation.

You would think it's Spring Break already, but it's not. Do you guys ever have those days? Where there are things you COULD do, but it is not necessarily pertinent that you do them?

I wonder if Jesus ever had those days. Or Moses. Man, Moses was the man! Running his own nation, dealing with a plague that killed almost 15,000 people, dealing with unruly sinners who doubt God... He even doubts God's power himself.

You know, one of the reasons I think that I haven't been as stressed out this semester is that I truly am able to lift my burdens and stresses unto God, and I just trust in him. I actually pray about things this semester and I just feel... Better!

"Cast your cares on the LORD
   and he will sustain you;
he will never let
   the righteous be shaken."
Psalm 55:22

As I look forward to this upcoming few weeks, that verse really reminds me to stay grounded with God--to really turn my eyes towards him to sustain me--to give me strength, perseverance, and peace of mind. I am so blessed to be able to do what I really enjoy. I am so incredibly lucky to be where I'm at. And I know that I can't do this on my own. I can't find the strength to get by without God. I can't focus on what he is calling me to do when I am so busy thinking about myself and my desires.

I hope that I can be a follower that Jesus can be proud of to call me his child. And it's probably the biggest struggle that I have ever faced, but I'm relying on God for my strength, God for my calling, and God to be my best friend.

God bless,

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