Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day 59

Today is my wonderful mother's 29th** birthday :) She is such an incredible woman of God and has raised me so well. She has selflessly given her life to raising her children and showing us how to live our life by example.

From the reading this morning, I thought about the man who told Jesus that he has lived a great life and wanted to follow him. When Jesus told him to sell all of his possessions and give them to the poor, he couldn't do it. I find it hard to imagine having a person tell me to sell everything to follow them. Well, not just a person, but Jesus.

It really is hard for those who value possessions to live selflessly more than those who have so little.

In my college and career group with church, we have been going through the Bible's history and establishing its credibility, and I just think it's so fascinating. I think it's incredible how there are so many FACTS that support all of the events in the Bible, letters that quote scripture before the Bible was even compiled, how Jesus quoted all of the Old Testament directly.... There are so many facts that point to the Bible's validity, so why don't more people believe it? I mean, it just makes sense!!

People have been trying so hard to disprove the Bible, they have tried to find inconsistencies and lies within the Bible, but they can't. If a book is so threatening to certain peoples' agendas, of course they will spend so much time questioning its credibility. The Bible has GOT to mean something if so many people hate it and try to discredit it!

These stories are incredible, its teachings are infallible, and yet there are still those people who resist.

I also hate how people use the Bible for evil purposes that just don't make sense. For example, using the Bible's stories to justify slavery of an "inferior" race. Making rationalizations that just don't make sense. This book is used to document our amazing Father, to show his unrelenting love for that he sent his son to DIE!

God gave us rules, he gave us promises and every promise has been fulfilled except for those that have yet to happen. It wasn't intended to be used to justify evil actions against humanity.

I am so happy :)

This was sort of a random post today... I have just been really excited about my study!

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