Friday, March 16, 2012

Day 73

I am so excited to get to go home tomorrow morning!

Wednesday was probably one of the most memorable things that have happened to me at college. One of my professors and I were talking about a specific reading for our class, and all of a sudden, whips out the Bible and points to the passage that this play is an allegory to--the prodigal son. My professor told me how this is one of the greatest and most beautiful stories... Wow?!

I don't know, I guess my perception of college is very... Different. I imagine most college professors here as liberals who aren't Christians because it's not "academic" to have "faith" without "proof." So for a professor to share the gospel with me, that is something very different.

Honestly, it inspires me in my own life. He may not go up and down the streets or be in class proclaiming the name of Jesus, but he knows how to share faith when it matters.

I suppose that you don't want to be overbearing about it and offend people in class, but my own personal feelings are that political correctness has gone too far. I mean, when we don't get ANY part of Easter off of school because they don't want to recognize one religious holiday and not others.

I think that it dumb, and honestly not because I want a day of school off.. Because we are a Christian nation! Predominately!

It really meant a lot to me to hear my professor talk about Luke 15 so openly, and then use that in terms of literature. If only all types of literature were an allegory.

I'm sitting in the Kansas Union right now, drinking my coffee, looking out at the sunrise over Memorial Stadium and honestly it's so magical. I love this place! But, I got here over an hour early... Boo...

But it's all apart of God's plan--I didn't have time to write this morning or yesterday morning even though I read because I had to get places really early. Well, really early for me..

Have a great day everyone :) Enjoy the little surprises!

God bless,

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