Thursday, March 29, 2012

Day 87

"A worthy wife is a crown for her husband, but a disgraceful woman is like cancer in his bones." Proverbs 12:4

Wow. You know, as I'm getting older, the possibility of me getting married and attaining that title of "wife" is actually something I should probably think about. My friend and mentor and I were talking about this, and something that kind of struck both of us is how honorable the title "wife" is to a godly man. I mean, one of these days, I want to be worthy of that title. I want my husband to look at me and be proud that I'm his wife... I just want that title to mean something, rather than just be signified by a piece of paper.

I think when you get to that age, and you meet that certain man that God has for you, you lose all want of selfish desires and truly wish to serve. I know that when I get married, I'm going to want to SERVE my husband--I will find almost no greater joy than cooking for him, folding his clothes, cleaning our house, bearing his children, and making sure that my provider is happy because I know that that is what God calls of women to do! That is what a "worthy wife" is and she will be called "blessed" and be "honored" in heaven.

And for me, I think that this Proverb is also significant because it says "a crown for her husband," not "an equal standing next to her husband." A godly wife is a jewel that her husband can and will wear, be proud of, and a worthy wife shows a respectable man! What types of men wear crowns? Kings. So in my understanding of this, if I'm a godly and serving and respecting wife to my husband, he will be a King in the eyes of the world, and in the eyes of God.

Adam didn't lead his wife--he stood quiet and submissive while she ate the fruit and gave it to him as well. He was no King because his wife didn't trust and respect his authority as the head of her life. And I think for me, that's something that I really have struggled with--control. I'm the oldest child, I'm a type-A personality, but in my faith journey, I've really learned to seriously let go and let God have control over my life. I'm not worried or scared what's going to happen because I know it's in God's plan. So what if it's not my ideal plan? I've gone through pain, long-suffering, heartache, fear... And that stuff isn't fun, but it all leads me to truly trust and learn to be the woman God has called me to be.

Part of being a woman is one day becoming a wife. Part of being a woman is learning how to trust and respect authority. And that's NOT anti-feminist at all. I think that woman can work, can have equal pay for equal work, be able to vote, can wear jeans if they want to--but ultimately, their husbands are the authority of their lives. And that's in the Word in my opinion.

I'm not saying a husband has to be a complete dictator or anything, because a man of God will value his wife's opinion on things, will value her hard-work and see her in a special light. He will respect her as much as she respects him. He will appreciate her struggle to obey her authority because by doing that, it's continuing God's great and PERFECT plan.

I know it won't be that easy, but I do think that "wife" is a title that is earned, not just given when the marriage license is signed.

God bless,

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