Friday, April 13, 2012

Day 102

Happy Friday the 13th!

So I really want to sign up for this event called the Zombie Infested 5K Obstacle Course.... Weird? Maybe. But it's serious motivation to run!

It's basically this race, this obstacle course, that could be a 5K or a 10K depending on the course that you take. And well, zombies chase you and try to turn you into a zombie. You have a flag belt like in flag football, and when they take one, you lose a life. You have 5 lives, and after that, you become a zombie! But, along the way, if you find health packs, it's like an immunization, and they can't take away your health pack!

Anyhow, it sounds amazing and fun. You get dirty, you got nasty.. But oh my I want to do this!!

But, I got to thinking about it in the context of my faith (oh gotta love the metaphors), and it really is like my life! I'm running every which way trying to find the finish line, trying to get over these obstacles, trying not to slide in the mud, trying to protect myself from the elements, and definitely running from zombies trying to turn me into one of them.

I'm alive because of Jesus! I'm living, breathing, and not virus-zombie infected... for sure. But those people who are zombies have no control over their lives. They have let the enemy in.. They have no hope.. They have no immunization (which is Jesus ;). They are just the living dead. That's honestly how I was before really getting to know my Savior. I was the living dead.

This Zombie race means more to me because I know that I used to be a zombie, and now, I'm trying to run far from it, look ahead not back, and get over these obstacles to reach the finish line. I think that my race is a little bit longer because I'm only 20 (well, in a couple of weeks), but I can do this!

I have my team supporting me, I have my Lord at the end encouraging me, and I have my health pack!

God bless,

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