Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Day 107

Ahhh... Coffee... I love the steaming and rich stuff. I love how it wakes me up when I have to get up before the sun (I think that should be against the law, by the way). I hate getting up early. I hate it when my alarm clock goes off and disturbs my circadian rhythm. I hate having to get out of my comfortable bed. I hate having to get out of my pajamas. I hate having to get out of the shower. I hate having to get ready...

But I know that I have to do all of that before I sit down with my coffee and my Bible. I know that there are certain things that I may not necessarily care for that must be done before I can enjoy myself. Starting out with my coffee and Bible each morning gets my heart in place. It helps me relax. It helps me think calmly about what needs to be done. There are so many things I need to do. There are way too many things that must be finished before school gets out. There are so many things I need to start, but it's overwhelming.

In fact, it's all overwhelming.

But then I think about the Lord. I think about his sacrifice for me so that I can have this life that I chose. I chose this life. So why do I complain about homework and reading and classes and being tired? I need to stop thinking about all of the things that I HATE about school, and start appreciating my education that I have the PRIVILEGE to receive.

I look at my sweet, sweet Bella and I may get upset that she doesn't cuddle with me when I want, or doesn't sit when I tell her, or barks at random things. But she is such a blessing in my life. She sees the person that I can be. She loves me for what I am. And gives me that unconditional love. She trusts me, and knows that I will be there for her and protect her. And when she is actually still and wanting to cuddle with me and snore on my chest, it's perfect :)

Thank God for the little things. Thank God for this life. And thank God for coffee..

God bless,

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