Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Day 99

Do you guys remember that song from Veggie Tales "Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho?" Loved it. I think that Joshua is one of my favorite books of the Bible. I love Joshua! I always told myself if I had a son, I would love to name him Joshua (with Kent as a middle name after my Daddy :). Joshua was such an amazing man and leader. He really loved God and wanted to follow him.

I'm so glad that I started that book this morning. I mean, there is NO way that the Israelites should have won that battle. They were outnumbered, exhausted from traveling, and sure didn't have all of the weapons. It just goes to show that everything is possible with God.

God was watching over them and protecting them. God was in control. God was in charge. God was going to get his way... And he really trusted Joshua. I do though wonder what it was like for Joshua. Relatively young, coming after Moses; MOSES! One of the greatest prophets... ever.

This morning, Rahab was the one helped Joshua's spies get away, to flee to safety, to get information. Rahab who had every reason to scorn these men. She was already tainted in God's eyes because of her prostitution, yet she feared the Lord and wanted to help anyways.

I think she is an unseen hero in this part of the story, and she gets saved, she has her own sort of "passover" because they were going to spare her and her family when they came to take Jericho.

So here I am this morning, drinking my coffee as usual, having two puppies play at my feet (Bella does sound like ET when she tries to growl. Ha) and I am just thankful. I am so thankful that God is on my side. That God wants me to succeed. That God wants me to enter his house and be received like the daughter I am.

I am here, Lord. I'm willing to fight. I'm willing to answer your call. I'm willing to do what is right, no matter the cost. Pick me!! Pick me like you picked Joshua!

God bless,

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