Monday, April 23, 2012

Day 112

Bella slept all day yesterday. ALL day. I was so jealous. Here I was slaving away at my homework (over 12 hours solid by the way), and she was snoring so loudly! Then last night, she slept all night! Except...

Here's my story:

I went to bed around 1, which is seriously unusual for me because I usually wake up early, get ready, get up and about so I'm fully awake by the time I have to be at school. Bella slept with me last night because she was already on my bed knocked out, and she has just been so good lately, I decided to let her have this treat of sleeping with Mommy (she normally sleeps in her crate). But at 3:30, she comes over from the foot of the bed, licks my fingers, then my face, and then curls up right next to me. It was just so darn cute I couldn't be mad about her waking me up. And sure enough, she was still in that position when I woke up. When my alarm went off, she gave me this look like, "Mom, please turn that off so I can sleep please. Thanks." So I shower, get dressed and ready, and am about to make my bed, and Bella had taken up my whole spot. What a pup. So I moved her down to her bed on the floor and made my bed, and then moved her bed out into the living room--she didn't even wake up; she snored the whole time.

You may be wondering, "What has this got to do with your Bible reading today, Lauren? I know Bella is cute, but seriously..."

I was wondering that before I typed it. And I just keep thinking how wonderful Bella is. How much blind faith she has in me. How she trusts me. How she loves me unconditionally. I want to be worthy of that. I want to measure up to what her little doggy brain thinks of me.

My God is like that. My God loves me unconditionally. My God is rooting for me, counting on me, yearning to be close to me. And I don't have the faith that Bella has in me. I want that. I desire it so much.

"Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him."
Psalm 91:1-2

I have walked through some pretty dark shadows in my lifetime, and the Lord has always shown me the light, shown me the way. He has always delivered me from the depths of evil and set me on his path towards righteousness. That's my God. I trust him.

I haven't walked through a dark shadow in awhile, and I am so grateful and blessed for that. Yes, I'm going through a stressful time with school because I have so much to do, but I trust that my God will give me the strength and measure to do it. I know that my God will bring me to safety, and will give me peace and rest.

He does this everyday, and sometimes I just don't even realize it.

Challenge for the day:

Whenever you're feeling stressed out about something, take a deep breath, and just say a quick prayer to God.

In my world, I bring new meaning to the word "quickie;" it means a quick prayer, a sense of satisfaction in the alone time with my God.

Do it a quickie today!

God bless,

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