Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day 114

Today is going to be a huge coffee day. And a big Kleenex day. Allergies are KILLING me!

Last night was a rough night of sleep to say the least. I have almost zero energy and one of the biggest days I will have in the next few weeks.

But the Lord is good, the Lord provides, and I will get through today and my week. I will get all the things I have to do done, and I will do them with all my heart.

Colossians 3:23 says "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men."

And I definitely don't do that. Sometimes I don't do things up to a greater standard because my heart is only working for man. It's only pursuing selfish desires. It's not doing work for a higher purpose... And that's my fault. Everything from driving to doing homework needs to be done at the Lord's standard and not just "sufficient."

Jael did it right when she drove the tent nail into Sisera's head. She didn't do it half-par (I don't know if that's really a term), I mean, she drove that sucker and became the heroine for the Israelites and played one of the most significant parts in their victory.

Now, my critical mind of course approaches this not only a tale of the "underdog" and what a nation can do when God is on your side, but a story of the drive and favor that women have. Women can be heroine's, disciples, and miracle-workers as well. Women play a huge part in God's divine plan.

I'm going to try to live up to that today--being part of something absolutely greater than myself, and hitting the nail on the head in everything I do. (haha :)

God bless,

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