Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 33

I don't know about you, but I think God was seriously playing with me today. Did anyone else listen to Obama's speech at the National Prayer breakfast? It was definitely encouraging and I truly believe that he is wanting to do right...

Now I believe that Obama is a great man, but I don't really agree with his policies. And that's the great thing about having the freedoms we do in the US, is that we don't always have to love the policies to love the man.

I'm just going to come right out and say it since no one really reads my blog, but I truly love Ron Paul as a candidate. He is not only an exemplary man, but has really fantastic ideas that I believe are quite Biblical in their foundation.

I hate underestimating how much time I have to get everything done. This morning, I had gotten up before the sun to go to lottery for basketball, and instead of staying up and getting things done, I slept in like a lazy sloth and didn't allow myself enough time to write my blog.

So, I'm sitting in my British literature class finishing up (well, starting) really my blog.

We read Samuel Taylor Coleridge's works for today, and included in those works was Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Now, I'm not a HUGE fan of poetry, but the more I read them, the more I appreciate them. There is a few lines at the end of Rime that are probably my favorite line of poetry ever written...

"He prayeth well, who leveth well
Both man and bird and beast.
He prayeth best, who loveth best
All things both great and small;
For the dear God who loveth us,
He made and loveth all."

Wow, that is very powerful for such a dark poem. And it's message is so clear, despite the poetics of the Rime.

I absolutely love classical literature. I really do. They have more depth, more insight, and quite frankly are more intelligent than the fiction of today. And people really cared to write about their faith--now we worry about being "politically correct." Any religious overtones and you get "shunned" from the literary world, especially by teenage girls who adore romance novels.

Well the Bible is the greatest romance novel of them all. It's God's love letter to us. It's God's way of telling us that he always provides. He made food rain from the sky for his beloved Israelites, he forgives all of us for our indiscretions, he gives guidance and affection... Yet vampires are more interesting? I'm sorry, as much as I really enjoy the Twilight series, I would choose the Bible anyday..

You know, I hate that sometimes we have to sacrifice. But whenever I recognize my bitterness, I immediately feel guilty.. Last night, I really wanted to go to the basketball game. I really really wanted to go. I had resolved, even though I had an immense amount of important work to do, to go to the game. I knew that I shouldn't go. I knew that I should stay home and do my work, but I did things my way. Well you know what happened? I forgot my student ID (which has my ticket on it) at home. I had parked my car, and gotten almost all the way to the Fieldhouse, when I realized I didn't have it. And I knew. I knew that I had disobeyed God.

You know, you don't think that something as little as homework has anything to do with glorifying God.

1 Corinthians 10:31 "So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."

Got me. Would it have been glorifying to God to either not do my work, or do it poorly? No. Not at all. My goal in life is to be a minister and to glorify God by action, word, and deed. Halfheartedly giving myself to my studies is not glorifying to God.

Another big thing is my research proposal for my Senior thesis is due today. My Senior thesis is going to consist of my book that I'm wanting to write about the modern relationship and what is/is not glorifying to God and what the Bible says about all of it. That's a big deal and I didn't have it done before I went to the game.

So when I got back to my apartment, I called my mom and teared up, then got myself together and did my homework. I worked and reworked my proposal. I found evidence to support my project, and I got all of my reading done. I was done by 9:00 and I felt good. I knew that I had made the right choice.

The choices that we make reflect our faith with God. The attitudes we have reflect our glory that we are giving to God. Even something as little as homework needs to be glorifying to our Father.

Matthew 22:14 "For many are called, but few are chosen."

Are we going to ignore God's call in our life? Or are we going to rise up and be the chosen ones.

God Bless,

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