Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 52

"4 “LORD, remind me how brief my time on earth will be.
      Remind me that my days are numbered—
      how fleeting my life is.
 5 You have made my life no longer than the width of my hand.
      My entire lifetime is just a moment to you;
      at best, each of us is but a breath.”

 6 We are merely moving shadows,
      and all our busy rushing ends in nothing.
   We heap up wealth,
      not knowing who will spend it.
 7 And so, Lord, where do I put my hope?
      My only hope is in you."
Psalm 39:4-7

I think that we all get caught up in this life. We focus on the 80 years we might be on this earth, how to please ourselves now, how to make this most of this life. Right now, I focus on how to get the best grades, how to establish connections with professors, how to get a career.

"All our busy rushing ends in nothing." That's pretty powerful. I mean, what am I doing with my life? I was amazed the other day that it's already the end of February and that my Spring Break is less than a month away. I was amazed at how much time passed me by. I'm also amazed at my whole college experience--how quickly it has come and is almost over. I feel like I'm just a bystander in my life--focusing on things that don't give me gratification 100% of the time. I feel like the agency within my life is being taken away by all that I "have to" do.

Why isn't my only hope in the Lord? "My entire lifetime is just a moment"; a moment that has been passing me by. A moment that I haven't appreciated and taken to the fullest. A moment that I don't treasure and a moment that I don't make sure matters.

Do these moments matter in life? Absolutely they do! David says that we are "a traveler passing through" this life. So make the most of the path! Make the most of the scenery! That's what I'm trying to do. I'm trying not to focus so much on the destination, rather than making each step of the journey count.

God bless,

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