Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day 55

Was anyone else disgusted when they read Leviticus and read all of the rules saying what not to have sexual relations with? Animals?? Really??

I guess in our society today, doing these things have become taboo. I mean, it's illegal to have sexual relations with anyone in your immediate family--incest. I'm glad we have a law that is backed up by the Bible. But my question is, were having these laws set really necessary?? How much of a problem WAS incest?

And also, why does it talk about "wives" multiple times? Like it's okay? Maybe I'll get there in the New Testament where I read that God wants us to be monogamous.

Do you ever have those feelings sometimes? Like, the more you read, the more you question? Not question in a doubting way, just questioning more in depth things. I really am appalled that people would have sexual relations with their brother or sister, but I guess back then, when the pickin's were slim and it wasn't viewed as abhorring, people did it!

Today for lunch for my dad and his friends from college, I'm making a roast, mashed potatoes, noodles, and green beans. And when I was at the store, I was just laughing out loud (getting some strange looks) when I picked up my roast and asked, "I wonder if this cow would have been used for a guilt offering, burnt offering, or sin offering..." My roommate stared at me like, "I didn't know a rump roast was so funny..." The little old lady in the power wheelchair cart next to me hit the high speeds away... Life can just be extremely joyful!

I had forgotten about that incident until whenever I read about all of the sex stuff, I was thinking, "You would need at least five oxen sacrificed for God to forgive that monstrosity."

Does anyone else have those moments? Where something happens in your life that you are able to equate with an event from the Bible, and it just makes you laugh?

Sometimes striving for a relationship with God makes me discourage and doubtful of my faith with him, but then he gives me reassurance--like my walk the other night and the whole store incident. I find more laughter, joy, peace, and encouragement with God than I do with anything else. I find a greater sense of courage within myself to accept things and do things when I'm right with God than when I do anything else.

In Mark, one of the stories was the women who begged to have Jesus cast out the demon from her daughter, and Jesus said that he must feed his children first, and the lady replied, "Even dogs under the table are allowed to eat the scraps..."

I know that I'm a child of God, but even if I was a dog (which I should be considering how much I sin and need to be reminded of my place), I would even love those scraps as much as I love the food that the Lord gives me.

I have really enjoyed my dad being here--we are a lot alike in temperament that's for sure. We just relaxed for the most part yesterday and watched TV lol. I cooked a lot, but otherwise, we just hung out! And I love doing that because usually I'm just go-go-go. I'm really glad that he was able to make the trip and his Christmas present was so worth it to see how happy he is.

We better win today!!

God bless,

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