Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 53

I love going on walks. I have really bad knees, so running is out of the question, but walking is great. I could walk for miles and miles and just love it! Well, okay, maybe not miles and miles, but you get the picture.

Last night, I took my Bella out for a walk at night to wind down some energy before bed for her, and we walked for about an hour at a pretty brisk pace. Her cute little legs were moving so fast. But, as we started walking, of course, it began to drizzle and rain. But this is the funniest part about it- I was listening to the Jesus Culture song "Let it Rain." No joke. It was very powerful.

Lately, it's not like I have been feeling a relapse, but more along the lines of, a diminishing flame. I know that it was bound to happen, but going from spending and focusing so much of my time and energy on God and serving, to being so absorbed in school, activities, and working... It's definitely been a kill joy. I feel like I have needed a rejuvenation, some rest.

Raining, although it was kind of obnoxious because I was having a good hair day, really gave me some piece. It was a warm rain (despite it being February in Kansas), and just very soothing. It was amazing to just be listening to worship and having God deliver.

To have God calm me in my storms. To have him walk on water towards me and to have him remind me that he's there... That's such a powerful feeling.

I'm really glad that he wants me back. I'm so glad that he still cares.. Even a sinner like me, who everyday doesn't make the most of the moments that I have, who doesn't continually praise and thank God, who doesn't exemplify his love by every action and word that I have... Jesus died so that I can live, and what am I doing with my life?

I praise God for all my blessings, and all my struggles.

God bless,

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