Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day 32

February baby! This marks one month!

So there is this new proposed legislation from Obama that would require any institution to provide birth control of any form to those who want it. The Catholic Church is going insane.

I thought that you could get free condoms and birth control from the local community health center? That was my understanding whenever I took health class back in the day and when I took my Social Welfare class last semester.

I'm honestly not sure what to think about that proposed legislation. I mean, it would be good for people who literally cannot afford to have children at all to have access, but if you are having sex, you should be married anyways. And God will provide. I understand how birth control can be good--mild menstrual cycles, lesser effects of the symptoms, a regulated cycle. Those things are all great! But, most people on this planet don't use it for those reasons, they use it so they can have pre-marital sex with no baby.

You know, I would just prefer the government stay out of our business--especially with controversial affairs such as this. This is definitely going to the Supreme Court I can tell you that much.

It's interesting how this tied into my reading for today. The passage from Matthew is really all about the religious leaders, who essentially ruled the entire nation. They would make decisions for people, and they dictated what was "righteous." In every single passage from Matthew that I have read, literally, Jesus says, "Have you not read the scriptures?" Every. Single. One.

The religious leaders were supposed to be following the law of God, but they cared more about their power and authority over the state than anything. Sound like a parallel?

I have noticed that every single passage that talks of a leader who DID NOT follow the ways of God led their nation to destruction. Hello, Pharaoh! Any nation that does not submit to the authority of God is major issues, problems, and unhappiness and suffering! Also, debt and lack of food.

Hmm... Well, what do you know.

This is my opinion-- Our leaders do NOT have the authority to dictate our religious decisions. We have the freedom of religion guaranteed to us in the constitution, which is why the birth control issue is going to the Supreme Court, most likely. It's a constitution issue. Well, the Bible is God's constitution with us, yet why don't our leaders take guidance and heed from it?

Our nation is turning into shambles because of the lack of God in our leaders lives. I don't care if they get their picture taken outside of the church. Just because they go to church doesn't mean they listen to God when it comes to guiding our country.

God has WARNED us explicitly in the Bible what happens when our religious leaders fail to consult him and his Word! Yet, we, as human beings, keep failing. But we are blatantly disregarding his law. And at that point, we become even more like the despised religious leaders in the Bible.

"Then Jesus explained his meaning: “I tell you the truth, corrupt tax collectors and prostitutes will get into the Kingdom of God before you do. For John the Baptist came and showed you the right way to live, but you didn’t believe him, while tax collectors and prostitutes did. And even when you saw this happening, you refused to believe him and repent of your sins."

Matthew 21:31-32

Politics is a tricky issue, but if we truly try to abide by God's laws and consult his Word and prayer for the well-being of our country, then think how much better off we would be.

God bless,

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