Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 31

I am becoming more and more like my mom everyday. I truly am. She listens to the TV in the mornings while she gets ready, and so do I (although he watches the View and I watch Fox and Friends). We both put on our makeup before we blow dry our hair. We both like to have time to drink coffee in the mornings and read (her the newspaper and me my Bible). We have incredible similar facial features. We have similar body types. We both like half/half and splenda in our coffee (although mine is a dairy-free creamer because my lactose intolerance). We are so much alike.

You know, my mom is an amazing woman. She truly is (although we haven't talked much recently because she is keeping busy with work!). And I am so glad that she was the one who raised me, along with my daddy. If I am half of the woman she is when I "grow up," then I will be totally okay with that. She is so funny, smart, and cares so much about everyone. She is an amazing help-meet to my dad, an awesome cook, and she set aside everything she wanted to do to raise us and be our chauffeur.

My dad is such an amazing man. He is truly our spiritual leader of the home. He is so so so smart, he is funny (in an engineering way, which unfortunately I got his humor), he is so caring. He truly is a man that everyone goes to, they depend on my dad, they admire my dad, and I am so proud of him. Whenever I get the opportunity, I talk about my dad, and my mom as well, but I make sure to let people know how wonderful my father is.

My dad is a perfect (well, nearly) example of what I want in a spouse. My dad, even though he works all day, still does the laundry for my mom. Yeah, he may not do his dishes, but he makes sure to get off work and makes every event that we have ever had, almost. He could've been obsessed with his work, gotten promoted so many times, and be in the hot seat, but you know what? It's his family that's his dream, and his job comes second. He takes care of his girls. He prays for us, prays with us, and gives us spiritual guidance and reassurance.

My mom is an amazing example of how to be a mother, a wife, and an active member in church ministry. Now she is an amazing example of how to balance work with home. She is so so talented, but she makes choices to choose her family over her job.

I was raised with fantastic examples of a Christ-centered home. I was a little brat back in the day, yet they dealt with me with patience and with so much love. I am the straying lamb, and Jesus has used my parents to constantly bring me back. The Lord has given my parents such strength in the hard times, and the enemy is constantly being defeated in our home through my parents' example.

I say all this because not only am I very blessed to have the home I did, but I wonder what it's like for those who don't ever hear about Jesus. I feel for them because they don't have a Daddy God who they can turn to, to pray to, to laugh with, to thank... I feel awful that they never got to walk down the aisles at church with their palms on Palm Sunday and hear the amazing story of Jesus. What do they think Easter is all about? Are their lives void? What does Christmas mean to them?

I was put in the home I was for a purpose... I was put there to have a Biblical example of a marriage, and of parenthood for my own life. My parents have raised me to be a minister to God's Word...

I am so blessed to have grown up like I did. I am thankful to God and I need to give my thanks about that area more in my life.

God Bless,

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