Saturday, January 14, 2012

Day 14

Sorry it's late, but at my friend's house there is no internet connection. Nice get-away!

I would definitely have to say that Arkansas is probably one of THE prettiest states. I can see why it’s called the “Natural State.” To get to my friend’s house, I literally was going over the rivers, through the woods, over the mountains, under the mountains, around the mountains…. Let me tell you, I was praying pretty much the whole 30 miles on this backwoods road. I was honestly feeling very car sick, but about 20 miles into it, I just felt a surge of relief. I know it was God! Hallelujah!

Somehow, even with a GPS, I managed to get lost not once, but twice. I’m going to give the excuse, “I was just taking the scenic route.” Well, every route you take in Arkansas is scenic. I mean, I followed the directions on my GPS, but that does you no good when you haven’t updated it in almost a year. Actually, over a year. Woops. But that’s so much like our faith. If we don’t constantly consume ourselves in it, if we don’t let God dictate our lives, and if we don’t keep our spirits up-to-date everyday with the Word, we are going to get lost! When I was misguided, I saw some amazing houses, I saw some beautiful trees, I saw gorgeous mountains, I saw wonderful rock formations (okay, I took geology ;), but it strayed me from the path I needed to go. It took me longer to get to my destination. Who knows what other beautiful parts of God’s country I would have seen if I would have stayed on the right road.

This weekend there has been a ministry conference at Sarah’s church. Let me just say, when the Holy Spirit is involved, you can’t even fathom how much power is present. My heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest. Yes, the speakers were mainly speaking for those in ministry on how to deal with a congregation, but it was SO applicable in just how to minister to those in the secular world! There were three different sessions—the first given by the senior pastor of this church, the second was praise and worship, and the third was given by a pastor named Jerry.

Pastor Tim (the senior pastor) talked about the concept of endurance within ministry. How true this is for just everyday life! I won’t go into detail, but basically, the greater the accomplishment, the more endurance the path requires. Amen! And Pastor Jerry came up, and told us how he had a sermon prepared, but the Holy Spirit was working within him and he felt that he needed to just let the Holy Spirit speak through him. He prophesized about people who he knew nothing about. What he said though wasn’t strictly for those he called out by name, but it was applicable to everyone in that place. I just felt the presence of God and I just knew that God was saying those prophesies to me. Pastor Jerry would turn, what I felt like was to me, and just was looking into my soul… And I knew that it was God. I just kept hearing the phrase “I love you, Lauren” over and over in my heart. My heart felt like it was going to explode and the tears flowed from my eyes.

When you accept God into your heart, you just feel his presence constantly, and you just know that everything you’re doing, all of the hardships and sacrifices are for HIS glory and HIS Kingdom.
2 Timothy 2:10-13
“Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect, so that they may also obtain salvation that is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory. The saying is sure: If we have died with him, we will also live with him; if we endure, we will also reign with him; if we deny him, he will also deny us; if we are faithless, he remains faithful—for he cannot deny himself.”

Amen? I think so!

And God again just shows me his power when today’s reading was all about endurance! Jacob endured mistreatment from Laban in order to obtain wealth and his wives and children finally. He had to endure deceit and time for the glory of God. But God was faithful and blessed him!

In Matthew, the disciples are encouraged to endure the most painful and hard things in order to proclaim that Jesus is the Son of God!
Matthew 10:22 “But everyone who endures to the end will be saved.”

Let’s endure. Let’s persevere. Let’s proclaim that Jesus is the Son of God! In this day in age, in this country, what do we sacrifice for Jesus Christ? There are Christians in other countries still getting fed to lions; there are martyrs who are shot dead because of their faith. But you know what, they proclaim it and they die a worthy death graciously. We hide our faith in this country where we have the freedom to practice without consequence. And why? Let’s endure what people might say or think about us because who cares what those in service of the enemy have to say! What is it that God thinks of us?

God Bless,

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