Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 7

It has almost been a full week of starting my days with the Word (and coffee ;) and I feel great! I'm a little tired this morning, but that's because I have had so much energy throughout the week that I slept a little restlessly last night. Just reading God's word has fulfilled this void and emptiness that I had but didn't know that I had... it has increased my desires to serve and truly wanted me to surrender everything. God is good!

Today is going to be a shorter post than normal because my daddy is making me pancakes, and also I've started reading the second book in an amazing series! It's The Mark of the Lion Series by Francine Rivers, a Christian based series for any age! Fantastic!

When I look at influential women in the Bible, for some reason, I never think of Sarah (formerly Sarai). I think today's reading confirmed that. Yes, she did exemplify the loyalty a wife should have to her husband, but not the loyalty a woman of God should have to the Lord. She sent Abraham to Hagar in desperation for a son rather than trusting God that he would do it in HIS good time. When finally the Lord said that within the next year, they would have Isaac, she doubted. Just going back to the roots of women's lack of loyalty in God (see Eve). But God still blessed her anyways--didn't curse her! Probably because Abraham had enough loyalty for the both of them...

The passage from Matthew was about good works--Mainly about how not to make a show out of it. God blesses those who are discreet and God hears all of our prayers and sees all of our deeds without the big show. It got me thinking, how often have I gone and done a good deed strictly for the purpose of praise from my parents, friends, or for an assignment in school? I would have to say, most of the time to be honest. I think that's true with all of us... Whether we realize it or now, we do good deeds because we want someone to think a certain thing about us.

This week, I am challenging myself and all of you who read this to do one good thing a day strictly for the purpose of pleasing God! Don't do it for recognition from others, but do that good deed thinking "I'm doing this to praise and honor you, Father."

Have a great Saturday everyone! This is a beautiful day that the Lord has made and let's live for him!

God Bless,

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