Monday, January 9, 2012

Day 9

The weather outside is frightful, we don't have a fire going that is delightful because it's hot outside. That's Houston weather for you! 72 degrees in January, foggy, floody, and rainy. But you know what? How AWESOME is our God!! Thank goodness that he is blessing us with this rain and reminding us of how perfect he makes the earth and gives us what we need!

Last night I watched a couple movies with one of my very dear friends. He is battling some sinful nature right now, and I have purposed to only hang out with him in a controlled environment to protect myself and my heart from temptations from the enemy. We were at his apartment last night, we had in depth talks about the Lord, and we just really listened to worship music and prayed. I prayed for him that he would learn to overcome this, and that he can just find peace and rest in the Lord! It was just amazing to see the Lord working in both of our lives... How everything happens for a reason, every feeling and every emotion is stirred by this desire for something greater. I know that he wants to fill the void in his life and just settle down, and I pray that he will...

But anyways, on my way home very late last night, it was pouring and foggy. I had to drive on 45 to get home and normally I'm terrified to drive in rain like that. But the Lord settled my heart and I felt such relaxation as I was praying and listening to KSBJ. And here is how our God works: in the heat of the storm, the song "Praise You in This Storm" by Casting Crowns came on. I just laughed and laughed and sang and before I knew it, I was home safely! God is good! It is truly amazing how the Creator can make and destroy, can give us an immense beauty, but also a dreary day as well.

I would like to ask for prayers for my grandmother. She is 80 years old, suffering from pneumonia which she was hospitalized for and then released, and she fell last night. She was taken to the hospital and we don't know how she is doing... I just pray for her and pray that she will either have healing in this life, or be released from her pain eternally. She is such an amazing woman--she loves her children and grandchildren so so much and she just would do anything for us. She has been in poor health for the past few years, and I just want her to stop being in pain. I know that whatever happens is in the Lord's will, but I just ask for prayers for her and for the whole Gaylor family.

Today's reading really, really touched my heart. Abraham was willing to sacrifice his only and beloved son for God! He didn't hesitate even though his heart was probably crying out in pain and anguish. I don't have children of my own (obviously), but if I had to sacrifice my sweet sweet dog Coco, I would probably ask God "Why?" Abraham showed his unconditional love for his Father and Abraham knew that if sacrificing Isaac was what the Lord wanted, then Isaac would be able to rest with his Heavenly Father eternally and God would bless Abraham. You know, as I've been reading Genesis, I've noticed that the Lord walks around in broad daylight and talks to people very openly. I don't know what has changed, and maybe that will become more clear as I continue with my readings, but why is God's voice so hard to discern? Why is it more of an internal whisper than an auditory voice? Why does he not walk the earth like he used to?

Here is my theory: God's last hoorah on earth was sending Jesus. That was him in a human form and when Jesus rose from the dead and finally ascended into Heaven, it  has been up to mankind to rely on faith of God. God was just establishing his relationship with people in the old testament for generations to come. God was establishing the Good News through Jesus and now it's up to us to continue the faith and have our own personal relationships with God. Oddly enough, it's like Santa Clause (although yes, I am aware that it is our parents ;) Part of the fun of believing in Santa is just that--Believing. Even though we never see Santa Clause unless they are employed by the Salvation Army or the mall, we know that he is real. We trust with all of our hearts that if we are good, Santa will deliver. Isn't God the same, sort of? I hope this isn't blasphemous, but we truly believe there is God even though we have never seen "the real thing" physically. We see signs of him everywhere, but part of the amazing and awesome part about him, is we trust that he is there, we have faith, and we are good so that he will bless us!

Part of being believers of our God is doing his will for our lives. When we are bad, Santa will bring us "coal" for our stockings. We can't have the false facade of doing good, we must do it all the time because Santa is always watching! He knows everything you do, and you must have integrity even when people aren't looking. God says in Matthew 7:21-23 " “Not everyone who calls out to me, ‘Lord! Lord!’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those who actually do the will of my Father in heaven will enter. 22 On judgment day many will say to me, ‘Lord! Lord! We prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and performed many miracles in your name.’ 23 But I will reply, ‘I never knew you. Get away from me, you who break God’s laws.’" 

Yeah we can ask forgiveness, but part of saying "I'm sorry" is acting diligently to NOT do it again! We must make a conscious effort to have a servant's heart, not to just act in the name of God!

Jesus also taught in Matthew 7:24-27 "24 “Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock. 25 Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won’t collapse because it is built on bedrock. 26 But anyone who hears my teaching and doesn’t obey it is foolish, like a person who builds a house on sand. 27 When the rains and floods come and the winds beat against that house, it will collapse with a mighty crash.”

How appropriate for a storm like this that the Houston area is battling?? Reading the word, following God, doing unseen and unpraised works for him... That's what it is all about! That's how we establish our foundation on the rock. Yesterday in church, Pastor gave a sermon about strengthening our core because it dictates every move you make. Our core is our foundation which needs to be laid in Jesus Christ!! We MUST strengthen our core through the Word.. What happened to this generation? Why are young people not modest, not chaste, not God-fearing, not caring of anything but the next moment or the next party? I feel sad for them, I really do... But all I can do, and as Christians what we ALL can do, is to display the love of God through or actions and our words. 

God is good!! "The Lord is a shelter for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. Those who know your name trust in you, for you, O LORD, do not abandon those who search for you." Psalms 9:9-10.

Father, I just ask that you be with all those in the world who struggle, who battle the Enemy everyday. Father, please show them that your way is the ONLY way to receive peace, the ONLY guarantee for an eternal life beyond this one. I just ask that everyday, I will be able to be all I can be for YOU and that I can reach just one person, Father. Let me use the social media for your ministry and let me not get caught up in the ways of this world, rather continue my walk in You.

Your humble servant...

God Bless,

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