Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 11

I go back to school tomorrow... And you know, I suppose I am happy that my days will have purpose and structure, but going back to school means homework, reading, writing, studying, conferences, meetings, working, cooking, cleaning, volunteering... It can be overwhelming. But God has truly been preparing my heart to be able to handle all of the busy-ness with HIM. I'm done with the ways of this world; I am actively trying to pursue a greater plan!

One of my very best friends went off to Bible College in Arkansas a couple years ago, and there, she met her husband, best friend, the love of her life. He was not a man who discouraged her growth with God, rather encouraged it. He is the spiritual leader of her life and has accepted the role that the Bible has laid out for men in a marriage. I get to see her this weekend! The Lord has provided and I actually have a weekend up there with nothing to do, so I get to go there and have amazing fellowship with her, her hubby, her church, and the young people that they serve.

The Bible says, "Don’t team up with those who are unbelievers. How can righteousness be a partner with wickedness? How can light live with darkness? 15 What harmony can there be between Christ and the devil? How can a believer be a partner with an unbeliever? 16 And what union can there be between God’s temple and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God said:   “I will live in them
      and walk among them.
   I will be their God,
      and they will be my people.
 17 Therefore, come out from among unbelievers,
      and separate yourselves from them, says the Lord.
   Don’t touch their filthy things,
      and I will welcome you.
 18 And I will be your Father,
      and you will be my sons and daughters,
      says the Lord Almighty."
2 Corinthians 6:14-18

How wonderful is the Lord that he transformed my best friend heart into truly loving and serving him?? Even though we are about the same age, she has been such a wonderful female role model to me, and such an inspiration to the power of God!! I am proud to be yoked with her and I know that God changed her heart and brought us closer together so both of us have a friendship that is beyond this world.

I think the phrase "it's lonely at the top," has two different meanings. The one we all associate with that phrase concerning leadership, but also how it can be "lonely" in a sense of the closer we get to God, the less we need other people, and the less we care about those people who don't center their lives around Christ.

Well today's reading really shocked me... 1) Abraham got remarried??? I don't know, but if I lost the love of my life, I would be absolutely devastated and couldn't even think about anyone else. But if the Lord commands it, so be it. Last night when I was in fellowship with some young adults, we talked about if we could do anything, what would it be... Well whatever the Lord says really... But the whole problem is KNOWING the Lord's will and discerning it from your own. But the Lord did say that Abraham would be blessed with many descendents, and Sarah didn't provide enough children to fulfill that, so in comes wife #2. But I think it's interesting is that we don't hear the same relations that Abraham had with Sarah. The Bible says how much Abraham loved Sarah, but with his new wife, we only hear about her in passing and of the children she bore to him.

Does anyone else think it's a slap in the face when Jesus says, "You of so little faith" in Matthew 8:26? I have such great faith in Jesus' plans and actions in my life, and I understand things that happen are a result of his divine will, but I know that if I was on a boat in practically a hurricane and it was moving all around on the waves and we were taking on water and I was sea sick, I would go wake Jesus up and plead with him to save me! Well, I don't think the disciples really knew that if Jesus was on their boat, not a dadgum thing was going to happen. The waters in our life may truly be a hurricane. We may be tossed around, we may get sick, we may have fears... But part of faith is just accepting those time and turning to Jesus in prayer and thanksgiving rather than fear of death. I know this sounds a bit morbid, but how awesome would it be to die in this day knowing that you were going to have a party with Jesus! Don't get me wrong, I love life- I love the awesome things that God is doing in my life and I love serving for Him, but I'm not afraid to die either! If the Lord wills it, so be it!

I would just like to add that even as believers, we take dips and we wonder if what we are doing has any purpose. But, just keep the faith! Don't go to Jesus desperately crying "save me," because you fear "death" in a sense, but go to Jesus and say, "You are awesome and wonderful and I know the plans that you have laid for my life, I accept them as part of your will, and give me the grace to live it out!"

That's another part of faith, right? Taking the good with the bad? We have such an advantage in this life over non-believers because we know that our time on this earth is only temporary, and we can get passed the rough waters and see the rainbow of God's promises on the horizon.

God bless,

1 comment:

  1. Great one Lauren. I'm with you whole-heartedly. Trusting God and living in victory daily is where it's at :) Storms can and will beat you down to a pulp...but hold on...tightly. He won't let us go...He hasn't yet!
