Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 2

One of the stories from today's reading consisted of the first sin. It described how much Adam and Eve were ashamed of their sin, they were ashamed of their "nakedness." I think nakedness is more here than just physical. But it got me really realizing how much we don't even think of sin as a big deal anymore. Adam and Eve hid from God whenever he came looking for them in the garden after they had eaten from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil... Why aren't we more ashamed when we sin? When we gossip, when we tell white lies, when we don't obey our fathers and mothers--we think nothing of it! Sin is a big deal--it's what casts us into the fiery pits. Sin is what causes us to put up a wall between us and God. Sin isn't something to not take lightly. This is why Jesus Christ came!! To forgive us from our sins, but we have to ask for it.

Psalms 2:10-12 speaks of how kings of the country should believe in the Lord, should use His word for guidance in decisions for the country--if not, the nation shall be destroyed. That's some pretty hefty stuff! Maybe that can account for the situation our country is in. Think about it--the enemy has protruded into this country through different religions, prejudices, and parties within the government. We can't agree on much and our debt is through the roof. Why do we still implement the division of church and state?? Our leaders need to make God the ultimate authority of their decisions and things might get better!!

Finally, the proverbs. These are how we should live our lives. "Listen when your father corrects you. Don't neglect your mother's instruction. What you learn from them will crown you with grace and be a chain of honor around your neck." Proverbs 1:8-9
This is not only wise words but also truth. I have gone through several difficult moments in my life, and the examples my mama and daddy have set have really helped me to carry myself with grace and ultimately, get through it! Even if someone has deadbeat parents, if they use their parents example to know what NOT to be, that's still learning from their instruction and example to become better people.

God is so funny in that he won't give us more than we can handle, and my daddy jokes that God is very optimistic of our strengths. But we move on, we pull through, and we become better people and better servants for Christ. That's what life is all about right?

God bless,

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