Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 17

Yesterday's post was pitiful. I was so tired, but I did read! So Amen for that.

Today's reading reminds me of why I never got through Genesis. It was listing the descendents and nations of Jacob and Esau. Those names are hard to pronounce, they all blend together, and you can't remember who is who! But it got me thinking, "Why does the Bible put all of this in? What relevance does it have?"

Then an idea popped into my head (thank you Holy Spirit)... It's important to know our lineage, our histories, where we come from, what struggles our ancestors had-to not only appreciate where we are now and how far we have come, but to see God's blessing and Providence in all of it. God was with them ALL the time. He had big plans for them and for their descendents. I mean, they had a HUGE task of populating the Earth.. That's pretty hefty for a couple of brothers!

I mean, Jacob lost his beloved Rachel fulfilling God's plan. But it's important to know where her blood was transferred to. I think it's funny that her sons are the only names I could pronounce. Joseph and Benjamin. Ha! I really did laugh out loud this morning...

From the passage of Matthew, the pharisees keep trying to find ways to kill Jesus themselves. They tell him it's against the law to work on the Sabbath and Jesus just shoved scripture in their faces. One of my favorite verses from today is "And he answered, “If you had a sheep that fell into a well on the Sabbath, wouldn’t you work to pull it out? Of course you would. And how much more valuable is a person than a sheep! Yes, the law permits a person to do good on the Sabbath.” Matthew 12:11-12. I can just imagine the looks on the pharisees faces. They were for sure put in their place. 

What if we acted like that today? What if we knew scripture so well that when a servant to the enemy tried to discredit Jesus, when they tried to question our motives or deeds, when they try to use "reason" to stop us from making disciples, we can combat with not only scriptures, but with history lessons as well. 

I think this passage was really trying to tell me this morning that it's not enough to just KNOW the word, and to read it, we must meditate, we must know our own histories, know the historical facts of the world supporting the Bible. We must know facts on false teachings (great book by the way!). We must be ready at all times for this war with the enemy. 

I have been really nervous about coming back to school because I know how hard I'm going to have to work this semester. I know that it's going to be a struggle when my heart is so set on serving God, that I have to live in a secular world where most people try to bring you down. But God doesn't abandon us, in fact, he makes our longings for him stronger so we never want to regress to our old ways without him!

"He gives power to the weak
      and strength to the powerless.
Even youths will become weak and tired,
      and young men will fall in exhaustion.
But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength.
      They will soar high on wings like eagles.
   They will run and not grow weary.
      They will walk and not faint."
Isaiah 40:29-31

Today, as we live our lives in a secular world, let us work even harder to make disciples. Let us show everyone our faith by our actions and words. Let us live our faith! It's time to decide which side of the line you are one. Are you with God? Or against God and a servant to the enemy? You can't be with God halfway, only when it's convenient. Being with God requires complete surrender, but you'll have a peace that you have never known and a joy that you have never felt. If you choose to not live in God's word, then you are a slave to the enemy and that's where you'll stay for eternity. 
Matthew 10:33 "But whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven."

I know that's rough to hear, but it's true.

On that note, decide! Live your faith! Enjoy a life you have never known!



God Bless,

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