Friday, January 6, 2012

Day 6

Have you ever had that moment of such peace? Of such overwhelming love? Last night I was taking my dog for a walk, listening to worship music and having a time of praise for our Father, and I couldn't stop smiling! I started crying and smiling and singing! I got home, gave my dog Coco her treat, and then went outside to get down on my knees and pray and worship our God. It was such an amazing experience! After we encounter the love of God, we are never the same. He changes us in the best ways possible and opens our hearts to his divine love and plans for our lives. You can only experience this love thought when you FULLY dedicate yourself to him! For me, that has meant secular music, dance clubs, certain friends, and sleep so I can wake up early and have a good long Bible time and prayer with him. That means certain TV shows, movies, and even books. But like I said yesterday, what we put in NOW is what we will receive eternally.

As a young lady of God, I want no less than God's perfect design for me--for my life, career path, ministry, family, and relationship. Courtship is a safeguard and protection to remain pure for all of those things, and that is what I want for my life. I have asked God for forgiveness for my shortcomings and I am starting with a clean slate. I am committing myself to further physical purity, but also emotional purity. It's not enough to keep your actions in your pants, but keeping your mind and heart pure as well. I would suggest ALL Christian young women to read Before You Meet Prince Charming by Sarah Mally. It is an amazing testimony and story that will get any young lady excited for the steps Courtship requires, the commitment, and to truly be excited for purity! Purity isn't something that we should dread because we feel it is required as Christians, but something we can be excited about!

Abram (later Abraham) is another great man of God who showed physical purity, emotional purity, and spiritual purity as well! Even in his desperation, he relied on the Lord, he trusted God, and he followed his Commandment! What a great testimony of faith--to want a child and descendents so badly and to be "taunted" in a sense by God's promises to have all of this land be given to his descendents, yet there are none. This is another aspect of purity--the waiting. Waiting is probably the hardest thing that we must do as Christians. God knows our hearts desires and he will give them to us in HIS way and in HIS right time. We just have to embrace God's waiting as his love for us--his desire for us for the future and when we're ready. Abram waited for children, and if he did not have that time without them, then he wouldn't have been able to do the Lord's will and fight His battles! We must use the time in our lives, especially singleness and childlessness for the Lord's will, whatever that may be!

I tell you, this break from school has been absolutely wonderful! I have gotten to spend SO much time with the Lord, reading books to firmament my convictions, reading his word, praying to him, worshiping him--How am I going to go back to the place where I have not as much time for completely giving myself to him? There are papers to right, assignments to read, things to study for, classes to go to, work--But the Lord will provide time and the Lord will provide endurance.

Being a Christian is about going that extra mile to minister to others--to being that bright light that others can see. So whether I go back to school or when I get a full-time job, spending time with the Lord is the ultimate priority. "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Matthew 6:33. Matthew 5:27-48 is all about going the extra mile, going above and beyond the call as disciples. It's the instructions for how to get to the Kingdom of Heaven! It's quite simple on paper, love God, love others, love your enemies. If you don't not only love them, but be willing to give your life for them, then you will never be a true disciple.

The Psalms are just amazing prayers and I wish I had the space to memorize them all! Maybe I will!
"6 I am worn out from sobbing.
      All night I flood my bed with weeping,
      drenching it with my tears.
 7 My vision is blurred by grief;
      my eyes are worn out because of all my enemies.
 8 Go away, all you who do evil,
      for the Lord has heard my weeping.
 9 The Lord has heard my plea;
      the Lord will answer my prayer.
 10 May all my enemies be disgraced and terrified.
      May they suddenly turn back in shame."
Psalms 6:6-10
That's only part of today's reading, but it is just so beautiful. It just perfectly describes how desperate Abram was for a child, how desperate we all get to do God's will be get distracted by the evil in the world. But, every time we think of a sinful thought, it's best to replace it with scripture! That's why it again, is SO important to know the word of God! Because then He can cast out evil and restore our hearts and minds!

Today, I'm making a goal that every time I have a thought concerning any sin, whether that be the distraction of this boy whom I met at church, or an evil thought when my sister is being her 14 year old self, or whether I have evil thoughts about a situation or people, I will replace them with Scripture. My Bible is my companion today!

Praise to You, Oh Father, who has delivered me from sin, given me a burning passion for you in my heart, and knows my inner being. Thank you for this day that you have made and let me rejoice and be glad in it! Let me serve you and show your love to someone today! Let me continue to be an example for you by my faith, love, and purity. Thank you for my youth and my singleness Lord, that everything may happen in your perfect timing and that I be able to minister for You!

God Bless,

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