Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day 15

Well I’m writing this at 9:30 in the morning, but I don’t know when I will actually get to post it because of the lack of Internet at Sarah’s house. I have loved not having the internet surprisingly! It’s such a nice get-away and you actually have to talk to each other. Imagine that! Sarah and I have just been talking non-stop! Now that I come to think about it, that’s how God is. We are so busy with distractions like the internet, TV, texting, gossip, and just daily life, that we never really stop to have a get-away and conversation with God. Man oh man, I’m so glad that I have these times in the mornings to myself to just spend with God. It really gets my day going right and I just feel unnecessarily stressed whenever I don’t have that time with God.

I think we don’t have our priorities right. We always focus on what’s next, what we need, what our next destination is. But, just spending time with God and letting go of your worries should be the #1 priority.

It is really amazing being up here. Their church is on hundreds of acres in a ranch. It’s also a summer camp and college is well. There are so many staff members that live on the ranch, and Sarah and her hubby are one of them. I don’t know what it is about the water here, but it causes people to get married. Young godly women get married to young godly men and have the best time together and live very happily in their love for the Lord. Last night, we all went out to dinner for Sarah’s sister-in-law’s birthday, and then we hung out with some other young couples… All married. I was always the odd one out. And you know, I’m not going to lie, I really was aching for that companionship and being one with a person and having a relationship that is pleasing for God. So I was a little bit discouraged last night, but I wasn’t lonely because I just felt like the Lord was with me. Last night, whenever I was lying down in bed, I was literally praying for a husband. I wanted the Lord to bring him into my life by the end of this year. I was like, “God, I know that you can do this.” Well, you know what? I just heard this voice tell me, “Lauren, I am going to use you like you don’t even know. Just wait for me. Find comfort in me. I am going to use you.”

And then I just felt this peace of mind and spirit in my heart, and I was reminded of all of the things that I plan on doing. I’m going to South Africa this summer; I would love to go to Costa Rica over Christmas. I would love to go to London over Spring Break, I would love to go on a mission trip to Africa next summer, I would love to go to Israel, I would love to speak at college campuses to young women, I would love to write a book… Now I don’t know if the Lord wants me to do 99% of that, but I am going to ask him every step of the way and have him guide me. I’m young! I feel a lot older, but it God is calling me into ministry as a single-lady, then that’s what I’ll do.

From the reading today, Matthew 11:6 “God blesses those who do not turn away because of me.”
And Pslam 13:5-6 “But I trust in your unfailing love. I will rejoice because you have rescued me. I will sing to the LORD because he is good to me.”

Amen? Absolutely! If we turn to the Lord, if we confide in him and ask him for guidance, he will bless us beyond comprehension! I know that sometimes when we get so desperate for what we want, we think that God is talking to us, but it’s actually our own will.

Even though I would love to be married and meet my prince charming that God has for my life, it’s not MY will I’m living for, it’s THY will.

Have an amazing and blessed Sunday. Make God the center of your life and he will bless you! Praise him, rejoice in him, and spend time with you and you will know a happiness and love that knows no bounds.

God Bless,

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