Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day 29

Well short post because it's Sunday. You know, this weekend has been amazing. Yeah, I didn't get all the homework done I needed to so far (I've been trying to do all my hw between Friday and Saturday so I have Sunday for the Lord), but that's alright. I had a great time with my roommates, had amazing fellowship with friends, and now I get to go and worship my God!

I feel bad for the Israelites who were denied that by Pharaoh. I mean, seriously dude?! You have had 6 plagues and your heart is still hard?? Your people are miserable because of the hail that destroyed animals, crops, and landscape. They are disgusting because of boils. Their water was turned to blood. Frogs invaded everywhere and then created a horrible stench. Flies and gnats were looming. Seriously, Pharaoh?!

But you know what, this just resembles us. In all honesty. We see how hard Pharaoh's heart is against letting the Israelites be close with God, but aren't all of our hearts hard?

We make excuses, we continue to sin, we continue to deny that Jesus is the Lord of our lives, we continue to deny God, we continue to live in sin everyday. Whenever there was a plague, Pharaoh would tell Moses, "I know that your God is the most powerful, please make this stop and I'll let your people go and worship."

We say: "God I know that you are Lord and Savior. I know that you sent your son, Jesus to die on the cross for my sins. Please just let these hard times pass and I promise I'll make you the center of my life. I promise I'll tithe, I promise I'll get involved with church, I promise I won't ever talk bad about my co-workers again... Please just make this stop!"

God is faithful and God is loving, so he does. And what do we do? Forget our covenant. We forget our promises and commitments. Just like Pharaoh.

We can look at Pharaoh and judge him and despise him because of how he treated the Israelites, but Pharaoh is a reflection of ourselves. It's not the Israelites we are enslaving, it's our souls. We won't let our souls go and worship God, we won't make the sacrifices for God, rather, we let our flesh get in the way and harden ourselves.

Just thoughts to ponder on.

God Bless,

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