Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day 46

I am still very sick... I think I need to go back to the doctor because now I've developed a deep chested cough that kind of hurts and I'm still stopped up with fever off and on... But I have to go to school. At this stage, I can't afford to skip any days.

Today I finished up Exodus and began Mark. I think it's interesting to see events from different peoples' perspective, so I am really enjoying the New Testament. If you have ever seen movies like Vantage Point that tells the same story from different views, that's what is going on in my opinion. And it's always interesting to see how people recognize different things of importance.

To be honest though, I'm glad I'm done with Exodus. It was pretty boring for the last stretch of it. I really honestly feel horrible for saying that- does anyone else feel that way about certain books? Do you think God's okay with it?

This is one of the reasons I know I couldn't be a Pastor--I'm not enthralled and engaged by every book of the Bible. But this is one of the reasons I know that I need to continue to read, study, and pray. I need to know ALL of the Word, not just the interesting parts. God is giving an instruction that is relevant and he wouldn't have included that part of the book if it wasn't necessary.

I really believe that everything happens for a purpose and at the right time. I know that God does things in our lives, that may even be boring, so we can learn to better ourselves for Him and we can learn to accept the good with the bad. I know that for me, sometimes whenever things are just going--they aren't super great and they aren't super terrible--I have a hard time showing praise and thanks. I just "forget." I get so distracted with things I need to do and there isn't anything looming on my mind, that I put my prayers on the back burner.

Maybe God is trying to tell me, through the parts of the Bible I call "boring" that I just need to accept what is and praise Him. Maybe He's trying to tell me that even in the middle, I should give thanks that he is God.

I don't constantly need to be entertained with a story, don't need to constantly be amazed by the miracles, because in my life, that's not how things are. Things in my life aren't spectacular and wonderful--they just are. They just flow and I need to appreciate those times as well.

God bless,

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