Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 45

I have been very sick with the flu... So I didn't read yesterday, but I read both days today.

I am really glad that I have been doing this. I have learned a lot, for example, how to build a tabernacle. If I ever wanted to build a tabernacle like the one from Exodus, that's half of that book--is the instructions.

I really got bored when reading all this. I'll say it. And I can't tell if I really processed all of the dimensions and the gold rings. I wonder why it is so important that every dimension for the tabernacle--all the requirements--be put into the Bible. How is it relevant? I mean, I feel terrible for saying that, but it was rough getting through it.

But that may just be a fault in mine. I always have this need to be entertained. I think that's most people. Whenever I get something new, I usually discard the instruction manual.

Maybe they actually have something important to say?? Hmm...

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